Friday, March 30, 2007



I know my confidence toward parenting right now may be increasing...but couldn't tell you for sure in till Augest (for thoose who know me might know what I'm talking about!) I also know exactly what causes the unconfidince : lack of knowledge. example: is this enough for kid to be eating?. and of course ...unfamilunal enviorment. where just don't know whats ok...and whats not. maybe kids experience same thing when adopted...I'd make sure at least simiar to old enviorment (same routine ect) and tell expections. (if possible same as other enviorment).

while I'm on the subject of parenting/adoption....I might as well, say what kind of parent I want to be: ...and this is the short verison: Love uncondionally, Unselfish, teach & disicine with love., show learning in a fun way, creative , teach that make best of what have, encouraging ...and let child know how important is . sense of hummor. I think thats all.

now, as far as my book goes...I'm calling it "Simons adventures".

and I'm going to have to print out application at Libraiy. oh well.

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