Tuesday, April 10, 2007

homeschooling- part 1

well, I outta get moving about this ...I'll call it "sunshine preschool" ...i would change to school as the child got older. (wouldn't that be so funny if...it stayed like that and a kid asks: "so what school do you go to?" kid: "Sunshine preschool (embrassed look) I'm in grade 5".) do you see why i'd change it? or maybe i need a name that goes best with all stages??well, I hope to get some practice this week. with my cousin Levi (he's closer to the age of a child I'd be adopting.)if possible. I'll update you guys when I come back. *smiles*

1 comment:

Jerusha said...

awwwwwww that is so sweet how are things hope you have a fun time and that every thing works out and you have fun with your lil chiled Jerusha