Tuesday, June 12, 2007

job, adoption

i have learned a lot from my job....persverence, how-to-put-toghether -a mop, how to take apart some equitment, how to be ahead of them, and be realistc, how to get through day even if not feeling well, did i forget anything?oh, yes priotys first. thats how it works best!...oh, and to ask for help even if i don't want to.(or rather not be prideful about it).and that God is with me . and one last thing:must give and give...a lot of things that will apply to me adopting and parenting too!.... I feel like God wanted to prepare me for my journey in single parenting. (looks like i'm half way there) itd probally be unrealistc to think I can go to my adoption agency today...considering it closes at 4...but maybe.
I now know how to resond to people who have options of me adopting!


cavercheer03 said...

You don't know me but I wish you luck! I hope to adopt a little girl someday when everything settles down! *hugs* -Amber

adventures said...

Thank you.cool!