Sunday, July 22, 2007

book: Flying Solo

I've been reading this book and is awsome! I would Recomend it to anyone on the journey to adopting as a single parent! it was exactly what i needed a story and tips.

learning Amharic and courage

going to the Libraiy today is definally on my "to-do List"....I have to pick up tape of Language I've been trying to learn (I've been mostly learning it on the compoutter).
a bible verse that fills me with courage is: joshua 1:9..." have I not commmanded you? Be strong and Courageous. do not be terrriffed, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you whereever you go."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

went to adoption agency today!!

Today i went to my adoption Agency and got some broceres and a info package that is helpful! so I can now go at it head first Yaa!...well almost. and finding some times when there are Challenges I can laugh about it (the income gst thing sent me a paper and on said I am Divorced...and I'm Not and it was so hard at first to get through to them that all I could do was Laugh and tell others what it was that was frustrating.) so yes, I'm learning that. and read "Flying Solo" and thinking a lot.