Friday, December 21, 2007
my adoption news
I now have a appointment with my adoption agency on jan.9th 10am and funny enough...I'm not nervous I'm actully really excited!!I went to my agencys christmas party as well and got to talk to some people and ask questions and had fun! i was looking at parenting books resently and came across one that really would help understanding Zaiven when I adopt Zaiven.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Christmas party
I had a good time at the Christmas party...I picked out 3 mugs for a secert Santa, I felt shy and it snowed!! and I clapped the loudest(mostly) and I skriched "woo hoo!! yes! when it snowed!I had a nice dinner and soon they were singing and I chickened out on dancing with sam!(not that it was dancing time just yet) and really felt overwhelmed and lights bothering me. and when it was snowing (without my coat) I went outside to feel and see the snow and phone T...I closed the door and when I went to open it I discovered I was locked out and then someone opened the door (thankfully it was fast) but i had a good time.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
name for child
I picked the name Zaiven..this is just the name i pick for my child in my heart. don't know yet what it means. anyhow, lately figurering out a childcare plan for Zaiven theres a daycare that is on my list that goes all the way from birth to 12 yrs old! but most of the daycares go up to 5pm only i will need childcare intill 8pm hoping maybe support system or ypsn could help out with that.
Monday, November 5, 2007
November is adoption awareness month!!
November is adoption awareness month! spread the word! make a diffrence. celebrate!
my awareness is that there is over 1000 kids out there who need familes! every child deserves a family! what i am doing is a fundraiser this month and putting up posters spreading awareness and countining on with my adoption journey. i can adopt 1 maybe two kids and honestly, it will give a child or two a family and that makes a big impact in that childrens life! but what about the other over 1000 kids?
my awareness is that there is over 1000 kids out there who need familes! every child deserves a family! what i am doing is a fundraiser this month and putting up posters spreading awareness and countining on with my adoption journey. i can adopt 1 maybe two kids and honestly, it will give a child or two a family and that makes a big impact in that childrens life! but what about the other over 1000 kids?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
fun at lake and more
I had a lot of fun at lake with L & G & A about 3-4 weeks ago! I think my favorite part of it was when I was in the lake with my shoes on catching a frog felt so neat! its like a hamster walking on your hand. and when G and me were trying to catch a was the highlight of my day!
a while ago, I started feeling seizurous so I had to be out of work for a while but I am now feeling much better! and able to work again! YAAAHOO!
and got out a bunch of parenting books at libraiy (one of which I've already read) but I do beive that while there so helpful I get so much more out of parenting cources (this includes hyperness) so going to take another parenting course when get oppertunity.
a while ago, I started feeling seizurous so I had to be out of work for a while but I am now feeling much better! and able to work again! YAAAHOO!
and got out a bunch of parenting books at libraiy (one of which I've already read) but I do beive that while there so helpful I get so much more out of parenting cources (this includes hyperness) so going to take another parenting course when get oppertunity.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
adoption ...thoughts of expections etc

what would my expections be for my child? abilty to wear me out...will test me....I expect it will take time for attachment and trust.
what would my expections be for myself as a parent? ...I expect myself to be a postive role model....I expect myself to do the best I can with parenting....
I think thats all for now.
thinking of adopting sibings the most 2 kids.
Monday, August 6, 2007
sewing and writting/job
the sleeper that i made for my cousin (with much help from T) is now finished!!! thank you T! it took 6 months. now i can go on to more sewing..making clothes! i also made a little thing with sewing today! now on to writting....I'm writting a book right now. its probally going to be quite a long time..but i'm putting some of it in the Island parent(hopefully) I wonder how long its going to take? both projects.I have now been working for 9 months!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
journey and resent thoughts
meanwhile...I went to the beach in Parksville and I had fun and tried to think of a song (made up by me) for my adopted child...even if I don't yet know the child. it is my promise as a mom. (when I am). Ididn't get very far...but I remmber thinking about Butterflies, I found 3 shells..2 of them kinda looked like butterflies and one looked like a beatiful flat one. Its like when my child is in a orphange...he or she is in a cacoon and when the child gets a family he/she turns into a caterpillar and then (through a lot of healing) a butterflie!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
book: Flying Solo
I've been reading this book and is awsome! I would Recomend it to anyone on the journey to adopting as a single parent! it was exactly what i needed a story and tips.
learning Amharic and courage
going to the Libraiy today is definally on my "to-do List"....I have to pick up tape of Language I've been trying to learn (I've been mostly learning it on the compoutter).
a bible verse that fills me with courage is: joshua 1:9..." have I not commmanded you? Be strong and Courageous. do not be terrriffed, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you whereever you go."
a bible verse that fills me with courage is: joshua 1:9..." have I not commmanded you? Be strong and Courageous. do not be terrriffed, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you whereever you go."
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
went to adoption agency today!!
Today i went to my adoption Agency and got some broceres and a info package that is helpful! so I can now go at it head first Yaa!...well almost. and finding some times when there are Challenges I can laugh about it (the income gst thing sent me a paper and on said I am Divorced...and I'm Not and it was so hard at first to get through to them that all I could do was Laugh and tell others what it was that was frustrating.) so yes, I'm learning that. and read "Flying Solo" and thinking a lot.
Friday, June 29, 2007
theese days I'm learning to have a personal prioty list in my head and sticking to it and a written "to-do" list works quite well for things i need to do. ...which today is to do rest of annoying income papers(but on same time a let them know i'm moving!) and maybe do work papers too. if I go to my adoption agencys fun day..I'll have to go to the one in Vancouver. I'm also trying to learn should my child speak that language i'll be able to commincate with him or her...and everyone else over there.
Monday, June 25, 2007
with my annversity I had tea and made paper hearts(with intion to put it all over...but diden't have tape or glue) and started to make my own cup garden(flowers) but didn't have seeds getting some soon!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
journey to adopting annversery month
This month is my journey to adopting annversery month....that means a time to celebrate! 4 years since I first thought of adopting a child! (well, 4 yrs from when I thought intill now)! I have grown a lot since that day....I've grown closer to faith has gotten a bit stronger....and more. so i'm going to celebrate! hopefully on the 22nd....not sure how although....i haven't thought of celebrating this intill today! oh well...i'll come up with something.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
job, adoption
i have learned a lot from my job....persverence, how-to-put-toghether -a mop, how to take apart some equitment, how to be ahead of them, and be realistc, how to get through day even if not feeling well, did i forget anything?oh, yes priotys first. thats how it works best!...oh, and to ask for help even if i don't want to.(or rather not be prideful about it).and that God is with me . and one last thing:must give and give...a lot of things that will apply to me adopting and parenting too!.... I feel like God wanted to prepare me for my journey in single parenting. (looks like i'm half way there) itd probally be unrealistc to think I can go to my adoption agency today...considering it closes at 4...but maybe.
I now know how to resond to people who have options of me adopting!
i have learned a lot from my job....persverence, how-to-put-toghether -a mop, how to take apart some equitment, how to be ahead of them, and be realistc, how to get through day even if not feeling well, did i forget anything?oh, yes priotys first. thats how it works best!...oh, and to ask for help even if i don't want to.(or rather not be prideful about it).and that God is with me . and one last thing:must give and give...a lot of things that will apply to me adopting and parenting too!.... I feel like God wanted to prepare me for my journey in single parenting. (looks like i'm half way there) itd probally be unrealistc to think I can go to my adoption agency today...considering it closes at 4...but maybe.
I now know how to resond to people who have options of me adopting!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
just stuff
well, doing foster care is off my list...Adoption remains in my thought and heart.and is still on my list....I will hope to learn to drive, no matter what people say about my abilty to do so! I am glad summer is here! (well kinda here) I am hoping to get a hold of "young drivers of canada". Oh! and there is a dance for Autism on the 16th? read Island parent for more info.
Friday, May 25, 2007
sponsred kids package today
I sponsered two kids(they;ll both 4 now) and finally the package has come. now i can write letters to them and send what i need to send.! i'm really excited!! and in my adoption news...I have finally found where my adoption agency is! (it said address...but really hard to find). and reading books on homeschooling and i read a bit on Afica.
Monday, May 21, 2007
well, today I finally told my boss i'm adopting(I said I was in the process of adopting a child) and I finally have a expection for my adopted child..."ability to wear me out". And I have decieded to go to collage (after much resistiantce in grade 12) and learn about writting books....its the only thing in a collage that I want to do. and take family studies 12(I never did get to finish it!) although I think it was grade 11 last time? (maybe). well, itd give me something to do while i'm waiting.
well, today I finally told my boss i'm adopting(I said I was in the process of adopting a child) and I finally have a expection for my adopted child..."ability to wear me out". And I have decieded to go to collage (after much resistiantce in grade 12) and learn about writting books....its the only thing in a collage that I want to do. and take family studies 12(I never did get to finish it!) although I think it was grade 11 last time? (maybe). well, itd give me something to do while i'm waiting.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
sorry gone so long.
Hi everyone,
sorry , I wasn't blogging for a while...anyhow I'm back. well...I think I'm going to tell my boss about adopting tommmorow. and I hope to go to a fundraiser at my adoption agency ...more around the end of the month. andd...I've had a great weekend and week. had a ok day at work. and REally discovered how fast a day can go.
sorry , I wasn't blogging for a while...anyhow I'm back. well...I think I'm going to tell my boss about adopting tommmorow. and I hope to go to a fundraiser at my adoption agency ...more around the end of the month. andd...I've had a great weekend and week. had a ok day at work. and REally discovered how fast a day can go.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
adoption and foster care, Autism
I hope to adopt a child and do foster care!....there are so many kids waiting for a family and so many kids waiting for a home! so I'm going to do both.(one at a time of course..Idon't think I can adopt and do foster care at the same time.) boy! I need to serisely take this one day at a time. (no kidding!...I actully brought 2 scrapbooks yesterday..1 for adoption , 1 for foster kid!) And I found out from another blog April is Autism Awareness month! spread it on! Celebrate their special personaties! Fundraise! really in my eyes if you can go into their world you'll find its quite fasinating and fun! my awareness is that it can be positive! I'd totally adopt a child with autism! .
I hope to adopt a child and do foster care!....there are so many kids waiting for a family and so many kids waiting for a home! so I'm going to do both.(one at a time of course..Idon't think I can adopt and do foster care at the same time.) boy! I need to serisely take this one day at a time. (no kidding!...I actully brought 2 scrapbooks yesterday..1 for adoption , 1 for foster kid!) And I found out from another blog April is Autism Awareness month! spread it on! Celebrate their special personaties! Fundraise! really in my eyes if you can go into their world you'll find its quite fasinating and fun! my awareness is that it can be positive! I'd totally adopt a child with autism! .
Monday, April 23, 2007
work, summer, adoption
I had a good day at work today! and I had a good weekend! getting the opptunity to hang out with you Lindsay definally was a part in this! wondering exactly when I should annouce to my boss that I'm adopting....he has to give a letter for my it has to be before that. summer is coming so fast! looking forward to it!! (even if I am working in the summer...exept for some special occaisions: camping with family and babysitting). I'm adopting either a boy or girl...I want to be surpised! I love my adoption agency. hmm..I wonder if Art is open now? speaking of Art....I've heard of Art Therpy and rainbows....maybe this will help my child with any loss or greif my child may have...I better look into Art therpy'nt there play therpy too? if so that is included. I have already been to rainbows.
I had a good day at work today! and I had a good weekend! getting the opptunity to hang out with you Lindsay definally was a part in this! wondering exactly when I should annouce to my boss that I'm adopting....he has to give a letter for my it has to be before that. summer is coming so fast! looking forward to it!! (even if I am working in the summer...exept for some special occaisions: camping with family and babysitting). I'm adopting either a boy or girl...I want to be surpised! I love my adoption agency. hmm..I wonder if Art is open now? speaking of Art....I've heard of Art Therpy and rainbows....maybe this will help my child with any loss or greif my child may have...I better look into Art therpy'nt there play therpy too? if so that is included. I have already been to rainbows.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
homeschooling part 2
well, I didn't get to homeschool with Levi oh well, maybe next time *smile* but I did get to do a bit of homeschooling with a different kid..(it was reading). it was cool but on some points frustrating (I forgot the "th" sound(you see..when I'm helping a child read I'll do the sound with it "ku" "ah" "T" so the kid knows the sounds of it and can then when gets used to it when sees a word can try and sound it out and know what the word is or if already knows the word but forgot I use it as a hint. but there are some sounds like the "r" and the "th" that I have trouble on and need to hear it and work on a lot before I get it right...I think I'm going to work on thoose more before i begin again.) and I had a good time in the area i was in! the only probblem was I am continusly waking up at 4...or 6 ...or 7am(today is the only day I actully woke up at 10am) I guess it prfepares me for when I'm a mom*smile* and I asked the adoption agency if homeschooling the child is a option and said "yes that is fine" (because I realy wasn't sure) YAY!!! and I FINALLY got AFABC mazainze in mail today!
well, I didn't get to homeschool with Levi oh well, maybe next time *smile* but I did get to do a bit of homeschooling with a different kid..(it was reading). it was cool but on some points frustrating (I forgot the "th" sound(you see..when I'm helping a child read I'll do the sound with it "ku" "ah" "T" so the kid knows the sounds of it and can then when gets used to it when sees a word can try and sound it out and know what the word is or if already knows the word but forgot I use it as a hint. but there are some sounds like the "r" and the "th" that I have trouble on and need to hear it and work on a lot before I get it right...I think I'm going to work on thoose more before i begin again.) and I had a good time in the area i was in! the only probblem was I am continusly waking up at 4...or 6 ...or 7am(today is the only day I actully woke up at 10am) I guess it prfepares me for when I'm a mom*smile* and I asked the adoption agency if homeschooling the child is a option and said "yes that is fine" (because I realy wasn't sure) YAY!!! and I FINALLY got AFABC mazainze in mail today!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
homeschooling- part 1
well, I outta get moving about this ...I'll call it "sunshine preschool" ...i would change to school as the child got older. (wouldn't that be so funny stayed like that and a kid asks: "so what school do you go to?" kid: "Sunshine preschool (embrassed look) I'm in grade 5".) do you see why i'd change it? or maybe i need a name that goes best with all stages??well, I hope to get some practice this week. with my cousin Levi (he's closer to the age of a child I'd be adopting.)if possible. I'll update you guys when I come back. *smiles*
well, I outta get moving about this ...I'll call it "sunshine preschool" ...i would change to school as the child got older. (wouldn't that be so funny stayed like that and a kid asks: "so what school do you go to?" kid: "Sunshine preschool (embrassed look) I'm in grade 5".) do you see why i'd change it? or maybe i need a name that goes best with all stages??well, I hope to get some practice this week. with my cousin Levi (he's closer to the age of a child I'd be adopting.)if possible. I'll update you guys when I come back. *smiles*
starting to pack...
Yes my dear friends you heard that....I'm packing to move right this very day! (despite the fact that I have not rented a place yet) but there is a apparentment available next door that I can maybe move into...although its a 1 bedrm I need a 2 bedrm (when I adopt)..but that will be good enough for I'm going to check into it when I get the oppertunity...and hopefully start on another job.
and I will be away from the 11th to the 14th.
and I will be away from the 11th to the 14th.
yet another song
this reminds me that God is with me in this journey
and that he'll help me though it.
and that he'll help me though it.
Monday, April 9, 2007
finally decided!!
I have now decided tio move out alone!...all I have to do now is find a place.....and other things but I already said them. I recently told one of my Co-workers I'm adopting...(I Reallly didn't have to Say much...just showed him the front cover of my adoption journal!)
I have now decided tio move out alone!...all I have to do now is find a place.....and other things but I already said them. I recently told one of my Co-workers I'm adopting...(I Reallly didn't have to Say much...just showed him the front cover of my adoption journal!)
Saturday, April 7, 2007
adoption application
I have finally got my adoption application printed out from the Libraiy....and am now starting to fill it out!! YAY!!! yet there is this big decision I need to make before I Completly fill it move out or not to? (don't worry I'll figure it out). well, either way I'm moving out...but to move out alone is actully the question. i'll keep you updated about that.
I have finally got my adoption application printed out from the Libraiy....and am now starting to fill it out!! YAY!!! yet there is this big decision I need to make before I Completly fill it move out or not to? (don't worry I'll figure it out). well, either way I'm moving out...but to move out alone is actully the question. i'll keep you updated about that.
Yup...this is the route I choose I can just move around hours from work. I can even start when I'm on my parental leave (that would be when my child is home for good) I definally have a passion for it! (homeschooling) I just need resources. I know this will be hard as a single mom but really I love challenges!
Friday, April 6, 2007
good for a laugh! and other stuff
almost have the sleeper finished...just need collar & sleves & sew the sides(skipped out on botties ...because getting warm out and summer coming so soon) YAYHHH!!!!
Ok...this is the funny part you've been waiting for!....a coulple days ago I threw the knife ( butter knife) in the...GArbage can!!! I am the Absent-minded qween Haaahaaa I'm laughing at myself.
Aficia...can't stop thinking about it....compaired to over there adopting locol is boring! (this is just how I feel)..I like the music....I'm up to learn a new language.. and new culture....I want to make a difference...I want to give a orphan a home. .. if you could pray for all thoose who have Aids over there that would be so great! I do find rattle snakes(if even there) and AIds scary but I also know that nothing matters...other than giving a child a home. and family.
something I'm wondering about is some schools/daycares speak Afican?? or do I need to homeschool? or find a translatter??...while teaching child english. I wouldn't mind homeschooling....just would be difficult with my work schhele (is however flexiable...could try to put it at diffurant hours if possible when time comes?).
ps: Lindsay, thank you for praying about my journey in adoption...since then I am more patient with waiting (even through Very excitted) tell the prayer cell I say Thank you to them to
Thank you.
almost have the sleeper finished...just need collar & sleves & sew the sides(skipped out on botties ...because getting warm out and summer coming so soon) YAYHHH!!!!
Ok...this is the funny part you've been waiting for!....a coulple days ago I threw the knife ( butter knife) in the...GArbage can!!! I am the Absent-minded qween Haaahaaa I'm laughing at myself.
Aficia...can't stop thinking about it....compaired to over there adopting locol is boring! (this is just how I feel)..I like the music....I'm up to learn a new language.. and new culture....I want to make a difference...I want to give a orphan a home. .. if you could pray for all thoose who have Aids over there that would be so great! I do find rattle snakes(if even there) and AIds scary but I also know that nothing matters...other than giving a child a home. and family.
something I'm wondering about is some schools/daycares speak Afican?? or do I need to homeschool? or find a translatter??...while teaching child english. I wouldn't mind homeschooling....just would be difficult with my work schhele (is however flexiable...could try to put it at diffurant hours if possible when time comes?).
ps: Lindsay, thank you for praying about my journey in adoption...since then I am more patient with waiting (even through Very excitted) tell the prayer cell I say Thank you to them to
Thank you.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
had a fun end to a day!
a Neighbour moved out that i don't really really know, but I think I may have came across them once or twice or ..maybe I'm mistaking the person...anyhow I thought this was a neighbour who has been one of the friendly neighbours to me...just a friendly comment here and some thoughtful advice there. and I felt kinda sad to leave a friendly neibour (even if i do have the wrong neibour) and I was borad...the kid definally looked I asked him if he wanted to play ball.."yes" so I go back inside and get the big orance ball...(this is like 7pm) and we bounced that ball back and forth intill he had to leave...which was 8pm. that was the coolest thing either of us did that day!
and I couldn't have had a more fun end to this day! Thanks!
a Neighbour moved out that i don't really really know, but I think I may have came across them once or twice or ..maybe I'm mistaking the person...anyhow I thought this was a neighbour who has been one of the friendly neighbours to me...just a friendly comment here and some thoughtful advice there. and I felt kinda sad to leave a friendly neibour (even if i do have the wrong neibour) and I was borad...the kid definally looked I asked him if he wanted to play ball.."yes" so I go back inside and get the big orance ball...(this is like 7pm) and we bounced that ball back and forth intill he had to leave...which was 8pm. that was the coolest thing either of us did that day!
and I couldn't have had a more fun end to this day! Thanks!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I think this is a wonderful song...when my child comes home (whenever that may be) I'm totally sharing that song with my child !
hope you like it.
hope you like it.
Monday, April 2, 2007
adoption and other stuff
Ok, thats enough music for now..(for today), tommorow I am going to the Libraiy(hopefully) to print out application form...then I can finally fill it out!!!...(well, some of it) and I've got this big question I want to ask the agency but I half know the answer and just can't seem to come up with the courage to ask! even if i don't need to. its just something I want to know. crazzy huh? yup...I can just see you laughing. and I hope to write something for the Island parent magine.... I might not be a mom yet but I can still do that. actully anyone can. and it would be faster than a book....I'll do that tommorow too! if possible. at the libraiy. i've done more of my expectant mom shopping...still got a long way to go.
Ok, thats enough music for now..(for today), tommorow I am going to the Libraiy(hopefully) to print out application form...then I can finally fill it out!!!...(well, some of it) and I've got this big question I want to ask the agency but I half know the answer and just can't seem to come up with the courage to ask! even if i don't need to. its just something I want to know. crazzy huh? yup...I can just see you laughing. and I hope to write something for the Island parent magine.... I might not be a mom yet but I can still do that. actully anyone can. and it would be faster than a book....I'll do that tommorow too! if possible. at the libraiy. i've done more of my expectant mom shopping...still got a long way to go.
Friday, March 30, 2007
I know my confidence toward parenting right now may be increasing...but couldn't tell you for sure in till Augest (for thoose who know me might know what I'm talking about!) I also know exactly what causes the unconfidince : lack of knowledge. example: is this enough for kid to be eating?. and of course ...unfamilunal enviorment. where just don't know whats ok...and whats not. maybe kids experience same thing when adopted...I'd make sure at least simiar to old enviorment (same routine ect) and tell expections. (if possible same as other enviorment).
while I'm on the subject of parenting/adoption....I might as well, say what kind of parent I want to be: ...and this is the short verison: Love uncondionally, Unselfish, teach & disicine with love., show learning in a fun way, creative , teach that make best of what have, encouraging ...and let child know how important is . sense of hummor. I think thats all.
now, as far as my book goes...I'm calling it "Simons adventures".
and I'm going to have to print out application at Libraiy. oh well.
I know my confidence toward parenting right now may be increasing...but couldn't tell you for sure in till Augest (for thoose who know me might know what I'm talking about!) I also know exactly what causes the unconfidince : lack of knowledge. example: is this enough for kid to be eating?. and of course ...unfamilunal enviorment. where just don't know whats ok...and whats not. maybe kids experience same thing when adopted...I'd make sure at least simiar to old enviorment (same routine ect) and tell expections. (if possible same as other enviorment).
while I'm on the subject of parenting/adoption....I might as well, say what kind of parent I want to be: ...and this is the short verison: Love uncondionally, Unselfish, teach & disicine with love., show learning in a fun way, creative , teach that make best of what have, encouraging ...and let child know how important is . sense of hummor. I think thats all.
now, as far as my book goes...I'm calling it "Simons adventures".
and I'm going to have to print out application at Libraiy. oh well.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
well, Today I surpised my mom...It was fun! ....I must have been funny to see! ...I was holding toliet paper and 2 bags of proggieas and 3 yougurts, the yogurts went up to my chin. and I also went to Walmart and did my "expectant mom" shopping ..I got a baby/toddler/preschool swing, boots and 1 outfit...if it doesn't fit my child when I adopt big deal. I just want to be prepared. i'll do more later tommmorow. and I hope to have a semi open adoption or a open one....I know how important it is for the child to have contact in some way to his/her birthfamily or who looked after him/her.
well, Today I surpised my mom...It was fun! ....I must have been funny to see! ...I was holding toliet paper and 2 bags of proggieas and 3 yougurts, the yogurts went up to my chin. and I also went to Walmart and did my "expectant mom" shopping ..I got a baby/toddler/preschool swing, boots and 1 outfit...if it doesn't fit my child when I adopt big deal. I just want to be prepared. i'll do more later tommmorow. and I hope to have a semi open adoption or a open one....I know how important it is for the child to have contact in some way to his/her birthfamily or who looked after him/her.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
when home study? click to view. and I going to do my book on adoption.(from a kids eyes) and am REALLLY REALLLY Excitted for the day I do my application and get my homestudy!! and am feeling much better now...I'm getting over my cold.
Friday, March 23, 2007
what now?
so i'm asking myself...what now? ?I know the answer. the answer is i need to do my fundraising and hand in a application to the agency. i might however need another job...I'd want it to be a at home job. but what now while i'm waiting to do that? I guess...get out and go on adventures. and i'm imagineing what my child would be like... and i have also decided to adopt from Ethiopa. I have a cold right now...but doing good. I hope to write a book...but what about??...I guess i'll have the answer to that next time.
so i'm asking myself...what now? ?I know the answer. the answer is i need to do my fundraising and hand in a application to the agency. i might however need another job...I'd want it to be a at home job. but what now while i'm waiting to do that? I guess...get out and go on adventures. and i'm imagineing what my child would be like... and i have also decided to adopt from Ethiopa. I have a cold right now...but doing good. I hope to write a book...but what about??...I guess i'll have the answer to that next time.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
decsion made!!
I Have now made the decsion to adopt from the agency! I hope to adopt from Epithopa. so I can now go on with my adoption journey! yahhhhooo! I am going to have to take very small steps for will take quite a while. Is Epithopa in Aficia?
small update
Hi There,
I just thought I'd give you a small update on what I am doing to make the decision to agency or minirstry...I have emailed the agency with some questions that will help me with this decision...and am waiting for a response but I'm going to talk try to single parents who have/or tried to adopt from both the ministry and the agency...I think that might help with this decision.
I just thought I'd give you a small update on what I am doing to make the decision to agency or minirstry...I have emailed the agency with some questions that will help me with this decision...and am waiting for a response but I'm going to talk try to single parents who have/or tried to adopt from both the ministry and the agency...I think that might help with this decision.
Monday, March 19, 2007
but at the same time...
I feel so tugged between ministry adoption and the agency adoption...I am still considering international adoption....and kinda feel leaded if I feel peaceful about that agency and I don't feel like giving up that agency just because of fees...I could fundraise right? or am I wrong? (sorry, for the indescion here) does anyone have fundraising ideas..??
Sunday, March 18, 2007
what a adventure
on thursday I took the bus to visit some family members..and since I'm only working sunday and monday till summer I had the oppertunity to have a visit.well, I had the right bus (kept thinking I was taking the wrong bus...but I finally remmbered and found out I was taking the right one..)...and there was a certin bus stop I expected to the bus to stop at...but it stopped at a differant one that I've been to before and i got off (well, it makes sense....I've never taken the bus to the town that I was going to...only from the town) and I thought the house address was a certin adddress...well,I walked and walked...but the nummbers were only getting I turned around and walked the other way to find the address I thought it was...I got all the way to the top and realized there was no such was pretty much a dead end road up there exept for turning and going straight or just go back where I was. yes, I was scared. and so I went back down a bit (which was the right way...I later found out) and asked a neighbour if I could use their phone and they said yes so I phoned and asked where they were ...and when I found out I kept going down the road and then the family memmbers picked me up and we went to where their house was.
the funny part of my adventure was that I had a dream similar to my adventure(but very differnt in ways).
God does provide for our needs I am so Glad to know that.
the funny part of my adventure was that I had a dream similar to my adventure(but very differnt in ways).
God does provide for our needs I am so Glad to know that.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Hi There,
I found that when I started journaling when I was greiving it really made a big difference...and now it cheers me up!
well, I now have a infomation package (online) from the agency my jaw wait my eyes popped out when I saw fees
I found that when I started journaling when I was greiving it really made a big difference...and now it cheers me up!
well, I now have a infomation package (online) from the agency my jaw wait my eyes popped out when I saw fees
Monday, March 12, 2007
Hi welcome to my blog!
so far on my journey to motherhood through adoption...I have taken a information session 7 months ago and am now looking into a adoption agency. I first thought of adopting when I was 19. and I'm glad I made the choice to adopt a child...every child desverves a family! right now, I am considering adopting a child internationly (but keeping that open)...does any one have experience with adopting a child overseas? if so I would love to hear your experience. I have had a job for 4 months and I like my job...i sometimes even sing while working. I took a parenting course which was very helpfull and I miss it. my hope for my to-be child is ...that he/she will go for their dreams nomatter what the challenges are. my other dreams for myself is to be a writter and make childrens clothes. (speaking of which, I am in the process of finishing a sleeper for a cousin..with much help.)
so far on my journey to motherhood through adoption...I have taken a information session 7 months ago and am now looking into a adoption agency. I first thought of adopting when I was 19. and I'm glad I made the choice to adopt a child...every child desverves a family! right now, I am considering adopting a child internationly (but keeping that open)...does any one have experience with adopting a child overseas? if so I would love to hear your experience. I have had a job for 4 months and I like my job...i sometimes even sing while working. I took a parenting course which was very helpfull and I miss it. my hope for my to-be child is ...that he/she will go for their dreams nomatter what the challenges are. my other dreams for myself is to be a writter and make childrens clothes. (speaking of which, I am in the process of finishing a sleeper for a cousin..with much help.)
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